Join me on a journey of creative discovery, sharing the musings behind my artistic creations.
About Me
- Tim Malles Art Studio
- Gainesville, Florida, United States
- Astronomy themes, landscapes and public art are some of the targets of my work. These are the best of times as we stand on the threshold of unprecedented discovery in space. As a space artist, I am grateful for and inspired by the amazing images of faraway places that the great telescopes of our generation have given us. As a plein air painter, I am inspired to quickly capture light, color and movement with the focus on our rapidly changing environment. As an artist within the live public art venue I am inspired by the opportunity for creativity, spontaneity and exchange.
Worldwide Paint Out @ Kanapaha Botanical Gardens, Gainesville, FL, USA
Paint Out
Sept 14, 15, 16, 2012
Summer House Gallery Exhibition
Sept 21, 2012 - Jan 6, 2013
40% sales commission benefits
Kanapaha Botanical Gardens
4700 SW 58 Drive
Gainesville, FL
Sponsored by International Plein Air Painters, the three day paint out had artist's working together in locations all over the world, connecting through the unviversal language that has no borders. Our local version here in Gainesville, Forida, sponsored by Hogtown Painters / Plein Air Florida, featured 16 local landscape painters with the event advertised to the public and staged in the magical setting of Kanapaha Botanical Gardens. The gardens have long been an inspiration to many artists, musicians, writers, and poets and were host to one of the very first paint outs in Florida, ten years ago, in 2002.
I attended that first event as a visitor and was inspired by all the artists working together and generously sharing in the live public art venue. It was performance art that offered a two way exchange of energy between the artist and the viewer. For the viewer, the artist brought out of their studio, into the light, in front of a live subject. An inside look into the individually unique creative process. For the artist, an audience to put them on their best game, their best performance. A chance for serendipity, valuable feed back, a positive emotional response, a ready critique, something to add to the story. I loved it!
Well, here I am, ten years later, a seasoned artist participant and to my credit have also conceived, organized and directed four paint outs. I am also the coordinator for our local group of 32 plein air artists, Hogtown Painters. We were wanting to participate in this year's version of the Worldwide Paint Out, in it's 10th year, and Kanapaha Botanical Gardens was a favorite choice for the remarkable and diverse scenery.
I am very grateful to Don and Jordan Goodman and their daughter Alexis for their gracious generosity and hospitality for opening and welcoming the artists into the wonderland that is Kanapaha Botanical Gardens. They prepared a wonderful reception for us in the beautiful gallery of the Summer House, the towering architectural showpiece and entrance to the gardens.
I was inspired to paint two scupltures in the children's garden, a sun/moon face and a dragon, combining them together in one composition that I worked on Friday and Saturday . Although it was a child's fantasy, the grownups seemed to enjoy it more! The rose trellis, catching the first rays of morning light and glowing, caught my eye on Sunday morning. This painting sold wet off the easel and well before it was finished! I did four live paintings total and sold them all before they were hung for the reception. The show of plein air paintings will hang in the Summer House Gallery through Jan 6, 2013.