Members and guests of the Alachua Astronomy Club were treated to a special star party at UF's Rosemary Hill Observatory, one of the many perks of membership in the club. Near the town of Bronson, and graced with dark skies, it is indeed a big hill covered with aromatic rosemary bushes. UF owns and operates 18" and 30" telescopes housed in domes on top of the hill. We were given a tour of the telescopes and their instrumentation. I came away with an evening's worth of experience and good results with low level light photography. The image of the winding path to the observatory dome and the winding path of the Milky Way to the Universe will be the subject of a new painting.
Join me on a journey of creative discovery, sharing the musings behind my artistic creations.
About Me
- Tim Malles Art Studio
- Gainesville, Florida, United States
- Astronomy themes, landscapes and public art are some of the targets of my work. These are the best of times as we stand on the threshold of unprecedented discovery in space. As a space artist, I am grateful for and inspired by the amazing images of faraway places that the great telescopes of our generation have given us. As a plein air painter, I am inspired to quickly capture light, color and movement with the focus on our rapidly changing environment. As an artist within the live public art venue I am inspired by the opportunity for creativity, spontaneity and exchange.