About Me

My photo
Gainesville, Florida, United States
Astronomy themes, landscapes and public art are some of the targets of my work. These are the best of times as we stand on the threshold of unprecedented discovery in space. As a space artist, I am grateful for and inspired by the amazing images of faraway places that the great telescopes of our generation have given us. As a plein air painter, I am inspired to quickly capture light, color and movement with the focus on our rapidly changing environment. As an artist within the live public art venue I am inspired by the opportunity for creativity, spontaneity and exchange.


7/5/2010 Blog Debut - Plugging In

Testing 1...2...
Day one. Fun setting all this up! Hoping to keep in touch with family, friends, fellow artists, patrons, colleagues and the serendipitous chance of curious passersby. Hopefully there will be something to entertain and amuse you if you decide to pop your head in here on a whatever regular basis. At the start, I would love to keep this as an open forum to anyone and everyone. I have a passion for the venue of public art and will be planning art projects that anyone who may be interested can participate in. Look for new postings. I promise, some of them will blow your mind!