About Me

My photo
Gainesville, Florida, United States
Astronomy themes, landscapes and public art are some of the targets of my work. These are the best of times as we stand on the threshold of unprecedented discovery in space. As a space artist, I am grateful for and inspired by the amazing images of faraway places that the great telescopes of our generation have given us. As a plein air painter, I am inspired to quickly capture light, color and movement with the focus on our rapidly changing environment. As an artist within the live public art venue I am inspired by the opportunity for creativity, spontaneity and exchange.


The Best of Plein Air
Fall 2014 - Spring 2015 Season

Kanapaha / Worldwide Paint Out 9/12-14
Matheson Museum Paint Out 9/20,21
Dudley Farm Paint Out 10/17-19
Fair Oaks Invitational 10/31,11/1,2
Melrose Open Air Arts 3/7-17
Bartram Paint Out 3/21
A Brush With Nature 4/16-18
Winter Park Paint Out 4/19-26

I could write a lot about each of these events individually but I'll let my paintings do the talking for me. You know what they say, "A picture is worth a thousand words."

I love the paint outs. They are the marathons of the live, public art performance. Raw, fresh, real, immediate, accessible, it happens right before your very eyes. Side by side we paint, using the same materials and methods as those first painters in the outdoors, the Impressionists, over a 150 years ago. An intimate invitation to witness the unique and mysterious creative process at work. From first light until the last golden hours and on into the nocturne, artists capture with their quick sleight of hand a strange alchemy to transform simple pigment into light and life!

Whenever you bring a large group of talented and hard working artists together in an inspired venue, great things are going to happen. I appreciate these opportunities that set a marvelous stage on the cultural scene, offer a good challenge to the artist, partner with a good cause and offer the best of our works to savvy patrons and collectors. Many thanks to the awesome venues and fine folks whose generosity and passion for these events are what make them happen.
"Bo Diddley Plaza" / 8" x 10"/ Oil on wood / $350.
I did this night painting live at the Gainesville Downtown Community Plaza recently during one of their last concerts of the season and before closing and renovating for the next year. So I guess it is already some kind of historical document. I really enjoy setting my paint box up in front of a challenging subject and having a quick go at it. I think I captured something good of the light, color and energy. That could never have been achieved working from a photo. A lot of people became interested as I was quietly going about my business creating and there was a good exchange of energy with all of them.